Past Monthly Music Mystery Overpours

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This listing is for overpour from the limited edition mystery polish and sometimes other items as well! Each month will take a song of our choosing and create mystery items based around that song. 

For March, GGL's inspiration is from Lowist, the side project of Ice Nine Kill's drummer Patrick Galante. The specific song is Candlelight.

You can find two offerings. A nail polish named "An Excorcism In The Candlelight" and a lipgloss named "You Better Grab Your Rosaries". 

For February, GGL is taking inspiration from Ice Nine Kills' song Take Your Pick. Since this song is based on the movie My Bloody Valentine, this felt like a perfect fit for February.

This month we have two offerings. A nail polish named "Screams Echo In The Hanniger Mine" AND a lip gloss named "I've Picked You My Bloody Valentine".